An especially compelling and unique portion of the Mario Diaz Cruz Collection is his hand and type-written original works. Diaz Cruz hand-annotated the Cuban civil code of 1889 and prepared indices and legal digests to connect the laws and jurisprudence of Cuba for the purpose of his legal practice. These materials contain references to journal articles, treatises, court decisions and related legislation, as well as commentaries on many topics; additionally, these materials refer to the law of foreign countries and are written in original languages as relevant. Annotations cover over half a century of Cuban legal evolution, from 1889-1958, indicating legal reforms, modifications, and abrogation of codes and laws. This part of the Collection does not exist anywhere else in the world, and is presented here in digital form.
Ejecutivo Vía de Apremio
Mario Díaz Cruz
Ejecutivo Vía de Apremio. Arts. 1427, 1479 al 1529 de la ley de E.C. [Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil]
Embargos Preventivos
Mario Díaz Cruz
Embargos Preventivos, arts.1395-1416. Aseg. Bienes Litigiosos, arts. 1417-1426. Diligencias Preliminares, arts. 496-501.
Indice Ley Hipotecaria y su Reglamento
Mario Díaz Cruz
Ley Hipotecaria y su Reglamento. Indice. Jurisprudencia
Mario Díaz Cruz
Interdictos. Arts. 1629 al 1683 de la Ley E.C [Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil]
Jurisdicción Voluntaria
Mario Díaz Cruz
Jurisdicción Voluntaria, Arts.1810-1830, 1879-1917, 1935-1967, 1993-2009, 2010-2069, 2070-2107, 2108-2149.
Jurisprudencia Civil Cubana, 01
Mario Díaz Cruz
Case law digest, v. 1. Civil law cases – Actos Propios.
Jurisprudencia Civil Cubana, 02
Mario Díaz Cruz
Case law digest, v. 2. Civil law cases – Actos Propios (cont.)
Letras de Cambios
Mario Díaz Cruz
Seguros. Art.443 al 530. 737-805 del C. de C. Pagares Cheques, 531-543.
Ley Orgánica de los Poderes
Mario Díaz Cruz
Ley Orgánica de los Poderes. 1. Ejecutivo. 2. Judicial. 3. Municipios y 4. Ley de Impuestos Municipales y Ley Orgánica de las Provincias.
Menor y Mayor Cuantía
Mario Díaz Cruz
Menor y Mayor Cuantía. Art. 523 al 713 de la ley de E.C. [Ley de Enjuiciamiento Civil]