Constitutional Challenges and Regulatory Opportunities for State Climate Policy Innovation
Professor Felix Mormann, now affiliated with Texas A&M University School of Law, presented a working draft of his work Constitutional Challenges and Regulatory Opportunities for State Climate Policy Innovation. This work examines constitutional limits and regulatory openings for innovative state policies to mitigate climate change by promoting climate-friendly, renewable energy.
Formerly from University of Miami School of Law, “Professor Mormann's substantive areas of expertise include environmental law, energy law, and corporate law. His interdisciplinary, often comparative scholarship explores the legal, policy, and financial challenges along the path to an environmentally and economically sustainable energy future. He is Faculty Fellow at Stanford University’s Steyer-Taylor Center for Energy Policy and Finance”.
Workshop Date
FIU Law, FIU Law Faculty Workshop Series, Felix Mormann, State Climate Policy, constitutional limits and regulatory openings, climate change
Constitutional Law | Energy and Utilities Law | Environmental Law | Law | Natural Resources Law | Oil, Gas, and Mineral Law | State and Local Government Law
Recommended Citation
Mormann, Felix, "Constitutional Challenges and Regulatory Opportunities for State Climate Policy Innovation" (2016). Faculty Workshops.

"Archive Faculty Profile"
"Archive Faculty Profile"