The Current (and Future?) Stalemate over Marijuana Law Reform
Professor Sam Kamin, of University of Denver Sturm College of Law, presented a working draft of his work The Current (and Future?) Stalemate over Marijuana Law Reform. This work compares the appropriateness of prosecutorial non-enforcement policy in the contexts of federal immigration and marijuana laws. He begins by discussing the ways in which the Obama administration has set policy in both areas using memoranda directing prosecutors in the exercise of their discretion. He shows that in both of these contexts the administration has turned to the exercise of prosecutorial discretion rather than legislative change to achieve its policy outcomes.
From University of Denver Sturm College of Law, “Professor Kamin joined the faculty at the Sturm College of Law in 1999 and is currently the Vicente Sederberg Professor of Marijuana Law and Policy. Holding both a J.D. and a Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley as well as a BA, summa cum laude, from Amherst College, Professor Kamin’s research interests include criminal procedure, death penalty jurisprudence, federal courts, and constitutional remedies.
Workshop Date
FIU Law, FIU Law Faculty Workshop Series, Sam Kamin, Prosecutorial Discretion, Marijuana, Immigration, Take Care Clause
Constitutional Law | Criminal Law | Immigration Law | Law
Recommended Citation
Kamin, Sam, "The Current (and Future?) Stalemate over Marijuana Law Reform" (2017). Faculty Workshops.

"Archived Faculty Profile"