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Professor Randall S. Abate, now affiliated with The George Washington University Law School, presented on his recently published book, What Can Animal Law Learn form Environmental Law? The workshop focused on how the fields of environmental law and animal law can work in concert. The Workshop was presented in collaboration with the FIU Law Student Animal Legal Defense Fund and FIU Law Environmental Law Society student organizations.
Formerly from Florida A&M University College of Law, "Professor Abate teaches courses in environmental law, international and comparative law, and constitutional law. Professor Abate joined the FAMU College of Law faculty in 2009 with fifteen years of full-time law teaching experience[.] . . . He also has taught International Environmental Law in summer abroad programs at the University of Nairobi Law School, the University of British Columbia Law School, and in Shimla, India, and International Ocean Law and Select Topics in U.S./Carribean Environmental Law in a winter intersession program at the Cayman Islands LawSchool.
Workshop Date
FIU Law, FIU Law Faculty Workshop Series, Randall Abate, environmental law, animal law
Animal Law | Environmental Law | Law
Recommended Citation
Abate, Randall S., "What can Animal Law Learn from Environmental Law?" (2015). Faculty Workshops.
"Archive Faculty Profile"
"Archive Faculty Profile"