A First Amendment Defense for Protest
Professor Jenny E. Carroll of the University of Alabama School of Law presented her work A First Amendment Defense for Protest. The article argues that defendants facing criminal charges that may impact their speech should be allowed to present a First Amendment defense, giving the citizen jury decision-making power and challenging the current First Amendment landscape that subjugates marginalized speakers' rights.
Jenny E. Carroll joined the University of Alabama School of Law faculty in 2014. She is the Wiggins, Childs, Quinn, and Pantazis Professor of Law. She graduated summa cum laude with an A.B. from Duke University and with honors with a J.D. from the University of Texas. She also holds an LL.M. from Georgetown University Law Center in Clinical Advocacy, which she earned in conjunction with the Prettyman Fellowship.
Workshop Date
Spring 2-15-2023
First Amendment, Speech
Criminal Law | Criminal Procedure | Evidence | First Amendment | Juvenile Law | National Security Law
Recommended Citation
Carroll, Jenny E., "A First Amendment Defense for Protest" (2023). Faculty Workshops.

"Archived Faculty Profile".