Targets, Fields, and Tactics: Multi-Institutional Legal Mobilization in the Campaign of the U’wa People in Colombia
Professor Rueda-Saiz of the University of Miami School of Law, presented his work Targets, Fields, and Tactics: Multi-Institutional Legal Mobilization in the Campaign of the U’wa People in Colombia. The article discusses the trend of transnational indigenous mobilization against oil extraction, focusing on the U’wa indigenous group's successful campaign against oil companies.
The primary interests of Professor Rueda-Saiz include international and comparative constitutional law, law and society, social movements, armed conflict, and globalization. He has taught law at the University of Wisconsin, at the Justus-Liebig University in Giessen, Germany, and at the Universities of El Rosario and Los Andes in Colombia.
He has published articles in peer-reviewed journals and book chapters, both in Spanish and English, on topics related to comparative constitutional law and international law. His work has received awards and honorific mentions from the Latin American Studies Association (LASA), and the Law and Society Association (LSA).
Workshop Date
U’wa People, Indigenous, Colombia, Mobilization
Comparative and Foreign Law | International Law | Law
Recommended Citation
Rueda-Saiz, Pablo, "Targets, Fields, and Tactics: Multi-Institutional Legal Mobilization in the Campaign of the U’wa People in Colombia" (2023). Faculty Workshops.

"Archived Faculty Profile".