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A letter that Florida lawyers can voluntarily give to clients informing them about the Bar’s professionalism standards and the professionalism enforcement system may soon be available. The Supreme Court’s Commission on Professionalism, which met at the Bar’s Annual Convention in Orlando, voted to instruct the Bar’s Standing Committee on Professionalism to prepare a letter for lawyers’ use, if they choose, when first engaged by clients. The commission also voted not to require a formal written complaint for the Bar or a local professionalism committee to act; however, the complainant must be willing to follow through with the complaint. (Written complaints will still be required to act on grievance matters.) The meeting came in the wake of a Supreme Court opinion last year that said lawyers could be disciplined for unprofessionalism, as well as ethical violations. The opinion ordered the creation of a professionalism enforcement system to include both the Bar and circuit professionalism panels.
Recommended Citation
Gary Blankenship, Professionalism Standards Letter for Distribution to Clients in the Works, The Fla. B. News, August 1, 2014, Gary Blankenship
This work is provided open access and in full text through a partnership between Florida International University College of Law, FIU Law Library and The Florida Bar Henry Latimer Center for Professionalism.