Crimes Against Humanity
Professor Sean D. Murphy, of the George Washington University School of Law, presented a draft of his work Crimes Against Humanity. This paper examines the prevention and punishment of crimes against humanity. it summarizes the definitions of acts that constitute crimes against humanity, the obligation of their prevention by each State, and to put into practice the necessary measures to guarantee that those acts are crimes under their criminal legislation.
From The George Washington University Law School, “Professor Sean D. Murphy teaches, writes, and practices in the fields of public international law and U.S. foreign relations law. Before joining the George Washington University Law School faculty in 1998, Professor Murphy served as legal counselor at the U.S. Embassy in The Hague, arguing several cases before the International Court of Justice and representing the U.S. government in matters before the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia. He also served as U.S. agent to the Iran-U.S. Claims Tribunal, arguing cases on behalf of the U.S. government and providing advice to U.S. nationals appearing before that tribunal. Between 1987 and 1995, he served in the U.S. Department of State Office of the Legal Adviser, primarily advising on matters relating to oceans and international environmental law, international claims, and international humanitarian law. Since leaving the U.S. Government, Professor Murphy has represented several countries in international courts and tribunals, including Ethiopia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Suriname, and the United States, and has served as an arbitrator in inter-State and investor-State arbitrations”.
Workshop Date
FIU Law, FIU Law Faculty Workshop Series, Sean D. Murphy, Crimes Against Humanity
Criminal Law | International Law | Law
Recommended Citation
Murphy, Sean D., "Crimes Against Humanity" (2018). Faculty Workshops.

“Archived Faculty Profile”