From Kampala to New York: The Final Negotiations to Activate the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over the Crime of Aggression
Professor Jennifer Trahan, of the NYU School of Professional Studies, Center for Global Affairs, presented a working draft of her work From Kampala to New York: The final negotiations to activate the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over the crime of aggression. This work concludes that even with the limitations on jurisdiction, States Parties still have made an historic contribution to the development of international criminal law. Moreover, if even one aggressive use of force is prevented, then the crime of aggression negotiations conducted over the last two decades will have been well worth the efforts. ICC States Parties concerned about limitations on jurisdiction now have even more reason to ratify the crime of aggression amendment.
From the NYU Center for Global Affairs, “Jennifer Trahan is Associate Clinical Professor at the Center for Global Affairs. She teaches: International Law; Human Rights; International Justice; Transitional Justice; U.S. Use of Force & the “Global War on Terror”; a field intensive on Justice in the former Yugoslavia, which travels to Bosnia, Serbia and The Hague; and a field intensive to Rwanda. She has served as counsel and of counsel to the International Justice Program of Human Rights Watch; Iraq Prosecutions Consultant to the International Center of Transitional Justice; and worked on cases before the Special Court for Sierra Leone and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda”.
Workshop Date
FIU Law, FIU Law Faculty Workshop Series, Jennifer Trahan, From Kampala to New York, jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court, crime of aggression
Human Rights Law | International Law | Law
Recommended Citation
Trahan, Jennifer, "From Kampala to New York: The Final Negotiations to Activate the Jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court over the Crime of Aggression" (2018). Faculty Workshops.

“Archived Faculty Profile”