Faculty Workshops
Cannabis Impaired Driving: The Importance of tolerance and the Challenges of Roadside Testing

Cannabis Impaired Driving: The Importance of tolerance and the Challenges of Roadside Testing



Professor Ashley Brooks-Russell, of Colorado School of Public Health - Community and Behavioral Health, University of Colorado Denver, presented her work Cannabis Impaired Driving: The Importance of tolerance and the Challenges of Roadside Testing. This work examines how the driving, of cannabis users, is affected.


From University of Colorado, School of Public Health, “Dr. Ashley Brooks-Russell, PhD, MPH, is an assistant professor at the Colorado School of Public Health, University of Colorado Denver, and a member of the Pediatric Injury Prevention, Education and Research Program. She completed her doctoral training in Health Behavior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a postdoctoral fellowship at the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NIH). During her fellowship at NIH she worked on several large studies of adolescent health and studied topics including dating violence, substance use, and risky driving. Her current research interests include adolescent violence and suicide prevention, and adolescent substance use, particularly marijuana use. Ashley is excited to join the HKCS team and work for continued improvement in our measurement and understanding of adolescent health behaviors”.

Workshop Date



Dr. Ashley Brooks-Russell, cannabis, drivers


Criminal Law | Law

Cannabis Impaired Driving: The Importance of tolerance and the Challenges of Roadside Testing
