FIU Law and University of Miami School of Law Co-Hosted First Workshop in a Zoom Summer Brown Bag
FIU College of Law and University of Miami School of Law co-hosted the First Workshop in a Zoom Summer Brown Bag.
Scott Norberg (FIU College of Law) presented An Empirical Study of Law Graduate Debt at U.S. Law Schools, this study seeks to contribute to the work of addressing the challenges by closely examining the nature and scope of law graduate debt across U.S. law schools.
Caroline Mala Corbin (UM School of Law) presented her work Compelled Speech and the Pledge of Allegiance Revisited: The Unconstitutionality of Requiring Parental Permission, this work examines the compulsory flag salutes and parental rights.
Professor Scott Norberg has over 20 years of experience as a law professor, law school administrator, and leader in legal education. The recipient of several teaching awards, including the Florida International University Excellence in Teaching Award, he teaches in the areas of contract, commercial, and bankruptcy law. He has published numerous articles, including grant-funded empirical research, and has been frequently cited by commentators and courts, including the United States Supreme Court.
Caroline Mala Corbin is Professor of Law at the University of Miami School of Law. She teaches U.S. Constitutional Law I, U.S. Constitutional Law II, First Amendment, the Religion Clauses, the Free Speech Clause, and Feminism and the First Amendment. Her scholarship focuses on the First Amendment’s speech and religion clauses, particularly their intersection with equality issues.
Workshop Date
FIU Law, FIU Law Faculty Workshop Series, Scott F. Norberg, Caroline Mala Corbin
Human Rights Law | Law | Legal Education
Recommended Citation
Norberg, Scott F. and Corbin, Caroline Mala, "FIU Law and University of Miami School of Law Co-Hosted First Workshop in a Zoom Summer Brown Bag" (2020). Faculty Workshops.

Watch the workshop here
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