The Place of the African Criminal Court in the Prosecution of Serious Crimes in Africa
Africa has been at the forefront of contemporary global efforts towards ensuring greater accountability for international crimes. But the continent's early embrace of international criminal justice seems to be taking a new turn with the recent resistance from some African states claiming that the emerging system of international criminal law represents a new form of imperialism masquerading as international rule of law.
This book analyses the relationship and tensions between the International Criminal Court (ICC) and Africa. It traces the origins of the confrontation between African governments, both acting individually and within the framework of the African Union, and the permanent Hague-based ICC. Leading commentators offer valuable insights on the core legal and political issues that have confused the relationship between the two sides and expose the uneasy interaction between international law and international politics. They offer suggestions on how best to continue the fight against impunity, using national, ICC, and regional justice mechanisms, while taking into principled account the views and interests of African States.
Publication Date
Oxford University Press
Oxford, UK
African Criminal Court, prosecution, crimes in Africa
Courts | Criminal Law | Law
Recommended Citation
Charles C. Jalloh, The Place of the African Criminal Court in the Prosecution of Serious Crimes in Africa, in THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT AND AFRICA 290, 319 (Charles Chernor Jalloh & Ilias Bantekas eds., Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK 2017).