PANES OF THE GLASS CEILING: The Unspoken Beliefs Behind the Law's Failure to Help Women Achieve Professional Parity
More than fifty years of civil rights legislation and movements have not ended employment discrimination. This book reframes the discourse about the “glass ceiling” that women face with respect to workplace inequality. It explores the unspoken, societally held beliefs that underlie and engender workplace behaviour and failures of the law, policy, and human nature that contribute “panes” and (“pains”) to the “glass ceiling.” Each chapter identifies an “unspoken belief” and connects it with failures of law, policy, and human nature. It then describes the resulting harm and shows how this belief is not imagined or operating in a vacuum, but is pervasive throughout popular culture and society. By giving voice to previously unvoiced – even taboo – beliefs, we can better address and confront them and the problems they cause.
- Looks at the basics of the law to help readers understand how complex and nuanced flaws in the law take hold and contribute to the “glass ceiling”
- Shows how legal problems and issues may be connected to societal beliefs as evidenced by current events and social studies
- Provides a contemporary understanding of legal problems and employment discrimination against women and the social context in which it occurs
Publication Date
Cambridge University Press
Civil Rights and Discrimination | Law
Recommended Citation
Kerri Lynn Stone, Panes Of The Glass Ceiling: The Unspoken Beliefs Behind the Law's Failure to Help Women Achieve Professional Parity, Cambridge University Press, 2022