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Media depictions of Burning Man focus on the picturesque and eccentric appearance of the weeklong affair. The event is sometimes misportrayed as a lawless environment where participants are encouraged to engage in rowdy behavior. Most carnivalesque events offer an escape from reality and are generally thought to enable unruly conduct. Despite stereotypes, Burning Man is a different beast. Not only is the crime rate in Black Rock City lower than any other city of comparable size, but Burners show a high level of cooperative and law abiding behavior that helps maintain the social order without depending on official means of external social control. Looking at the interplay between the Black Rock Rangers, law enforcement agencies and participants themselves helps clarify how this works.
"Helping lost souls to find their way home": the Black Rock Rangers.
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Black Dog Publishing Limited
Burning Man, Black Rock City, Playa Dust, Collected Stories From Burning Man, Samantha Krukowski, Black Rock Rangers, Dirt Rangers, Dusty Order, Law Enforcement, Noisy Neighbors, Stolen Bicycles, Yellow Bikes, Public and Private Spaces, Official Law Enforcement at Burning Man, Burning Man Survival Guide
Criminal Law | Criminal Procedure | First Amendment | Jurisdiction | Law | Law and Philosophy | Law and Society | Law Enforcement and Corrections | Rule of Law | State and Local Government Law | Torts
Recommended Citation
Manuel A. Gomez, Dusty Order : Law Enforcement and Participant Cooperation at Burning Man, in PLAYA DUST : COLLECTED STORIES FROM BURNING MAN 206, 217 (Samantha Krukowski ed., 2014).

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Criminal Law Commons, Criminal Procedure Commons, First Amendment Commons, Jurisdiction Commons, Law and Philosophy Commons, Law and Society Commons, Law Enforcement and Corrections Commons, Rule of Law Commons, State and Local Government Law Commons, Torts Commons
in Playa Dust: Collected Stories From Burning Man, by Samantha Krukowski.
The answers to the world's questions about Burning Man, a cult desert festival in the USA that is so popular that there is a lottery for its tickets and is so unique that much debate has been ignited about influence of this festival on ideas of anti-capitalism, self-sufficient living and creative community.