Genocide in Rwanda: 25 Years Later A Panel Discussion with Leading Experts
April 7, 1994 marked the beginning of about 100 days of horror in Rwanda. Over this time period, 800,000 members of the Tutsi ethnic group, along with some moderate Hutu sympathizers, were systematically identified, chased and slaughtered by an extremist Hutu regime, its militias and countless civilian collaborators. In the wake of this synchronized killing campaign, Rwandans began the journey to rebuild and re-imagine a unified identity. Join us for a panel discussion re-assessing the history of the genocide and Rwanda’s journey in the aftermath of these tragic events.
Emily Amick is a lawyer who has written on post-genocide adjudication of sexual violence in Rwanda, focusing specifically on the Gacaca system, a unique tradition-inspired method of transitional justice, and its aftermath.
Rangira Béa Gallimore is an associate professor emerita at the University of Missouri-Columbia and co-editor of Art from Trauma: Genocide Beyond Rwanda. She has worked with the U.S. Department of State, UNESCO, and other international organizations on the role of women in post-conflict recovery and implementation of the gender-based violence law in Rwanda.
Rebecca C. Christ is an assistant professor of social studies education at FIU’s School of Education and Human Development. An expert on teaching and learning about genocide, she conducted dissertation research following American study-abroad students in Rwanda.
Fiacre Bienvenu, an adjunct professor of political science in the Steven J. Green School of International and Public Affairs, was in Rwanda before, during and after the genocide. He lost immediate members of his family and many relatives and friends. His research interests include identity and post-conflict political order in Africa.
Event Date
Genocide, Rwanda
Human Rights Law | Law
Recommended Citation
Amick, Emily; Gallimore, Rangira Béa; Christ, Rebecca C.; and Bienvenu, Fiacre, "Genocide in Rwanda: 25 Years Later A Panel Discussion with Leading Experts" (2019). FIU Law Events. 1.