Fundamentals of Risk Management and Future Trends in Compliance
The event is a workshop titled “Fundamentals of Risk Management and Future Trends in Compliance” (Wednesday, April 24 from 8:30 to 12:15 pm) that we are co-organizing with the Florida International Bankers Association (FIBA). This interdisciplinary program led by a group of experts in the field, will cover a variety of topics related to risk management and compliance, including the impact of new technologies and other trends.
Andres 'Andy' Fernandez, is a partner in Holland & Knight's Miami office, co-leader of the firm's Financial Services Regulatory Team, and leader of the firm's Cuba Action Team.
Daniel Gutierrez, is the Vice President & BSA Manager at Ocean Bank. Daniel has been a key part of Ocean Bank's BSA Management team since 2011.
Igor Martinez, CFE, CISA, is a Senior Manager Global IT Audit with Brightstar Corporation (A SoftBank Company).
Josue Garcia, is currently the Senior Manager of Ethics & Compliance in the Global Legal Department of Carnival Corporation & plc.
Kenneth R Ray, is Manager for Global Third Party Compliance/Due Diligence at Biomet Zimmer.
Mauricio Angee, is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional {CISSP} and currently serves as Chief Information Security Officer (CISO} at Mount Sinai Medical Center.
Martha de Zayas, J.D. is the Vice President Ethics & Compliance with Carnival Corporation in its Global - Ethics & Compliance department and has been also Assistant General Counsel for the company since 1995.
Michelle M. Pelletier, currently works as in-house counsel within the General Counsel's Organization at American Express.
Roberto Valdez, CPA, CISA, CISM is a Manager with Kaufman Rossin's Cybersecurity Services.
Wayne Shaw, currently works as Senior Vice President Financial Institutions Group (FIG) at Wells Fargo.
Fernando Herrera, currently works as Vice President & Senior Manager in Specialized Compliance at HSBC Bank USA, N.A.
Ricardo Gomez, leads risk advisory, anti-money laundering (AML) and investigative engagements for clients in the financial, legal and corporate sectors.
Event Date
Business Law, Public Responsibility, and Ethics
Recommended Citation
University College of Law, Florida International and Bankers Association (FIBA), Florida International, "Fundamentals of Risk Management and Future Trends in Compliance" (2019). FIU Law Events. 2.