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Fourth Annual Conference on the Fight Against Corruption: High-Risks, High-Rewards in the Global Fight against Corruption, (Thursday, April 25 from 1:00 pm to 5:45 pm, and Friday, April 26 from 8:40 am to 1:00 pm). This international conference represents an exciting forum for anti-corruption leaders from around the world, including asset recovery practitioners, government officials, and members of civil society, to discuss and analyze the anti-corruption movement’s recent successes, as well as the challenges that remain. The speakers include a Special Representative of the OAS Secretary General, the head of the Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala, Two attorney Generals, several current and former anti-corruption judges, special anti-corruption prosecutors and the head of Ukraine’s National Agency on Corruption Prevention.
Antony Page, Dean and Professor of Law, FIU Law
Luis Antônio Guaimarães Marrey, Special Representative of the OAS Secretary General/Spokesperson of the MACCIH (Washington, D.C.)
Iván Velázquez Gómez, Commission Against Impunity in Guatemala, CICIG (Guatemala City)
Edward Davis, Jr. & Manuel A. Gómez, Conference Co-Chairs (Miami)
Ina Kubbe, Tel Aviv University (Tel Aviv)
Michel Rowland García, University of Cuenca (Cuenca)
Emile van der Does de Willebois, Coordinator StAR Initiative, The World Bank and UNODC (Washington, D.C.)
José Ugaz, Benites, Vargas & Ugaz (Lima)
Rolf Stern, BDO (Quito)
Diana Salazar, Attorney General of Ecuador (Quito)Diana Salazar, Attorney General of Ecuador (Quito)
Jack de Kluiver, Baker de Kluiver (Washington, D.C.)
Gabriel Pérez Barberá, Federal Prosecutor (Buenos Aires)
Andrew Marshall, Edmonds, Marshall, McMahon (London)
Stephen Baker, Baker and Partners (St. Helier)
James A. Pomeroy, PwC Canada (Halifax)
Oleksandr Y. Sergoyin, National Agency on Corruption Prevention (Kiev)
Glenn Pomerantz, BDO (New York)
Angela Barkhouse, KRyS Global (Grand Cayman)
João Pedro Grebran Neto, Federal Judge, TRF-4 (Curitiba)
Camelia Bogdan, Judge, Bucharest Court of Appeal (Bucharest)
Marco Antonio Villeda, International Anticorruption Judge for the Mission to Support the Fight against Corruption and Impunity in Honduras (Tegucigalpa)
Gherardo Colombo, Former Judge, Court of Cassation (Milan)
Marcio Barra Lima, Regional Prosecutor (São Paulo)
Amado Enco Tirado, Anticorruption Specialized Public Prosecutor (Lima)
Juan Carlos Gutierrez, Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo (Madrid)
Douglas Meléndez, Former General Prosecutor of El Salvador (San Salvador)
Arnoldo B. Lacayo, Sequor Law (Miami)
Faris Al-Rawi, Attorney General of Trinidad & Tobago (Port of Spain)
Event Date
Civil Law | Criminal Law | Law
Recommended Citation
University College of Law, Florida International and Global Legal Studies Initiative, Florida International University, "Fourth Annual Conference on the Fight Against Corruption" (2019). FIU Law Events. 3.