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“It works because we care, and we let them know we care.” West Palm Beach attorney David Prather identified that as the key to the 15th Circuit’s Local Professionalism Panel, set up under the Supreme Court’s Commission on Professionalism’s plan to have a local means of addressing lawyers’ professional conduct. The 15th Circuit has heard more cases than any other LPP around the state, a statistic that Amy Borman, who co-chairs the Palm Beach County Bar Association’s Professionalism Commission and who serves on the 15th Circuit LPP, attributes to its taking over for an existing Palm Beach County Bar professionalism effort. Other circuits have just created or are setting up their own LPPs. In compliance with last year’s order from the Supreme Court to establish the panels, circuits are tailoring their professional programs to meet local needs. However three programs contacted by the News — in the 15th, Second, and Fifth
Recommended Citation
Gary Blankenship, How are Local Professionalism Panels Working?, The Fla. B. News, August 15, 2014
This work is provided open access and in full text through a partnership between Florida International University College of Law, FIU Law Library and The Florida Bar Henry Latimer Center for Professionalism.