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Some are posting info on local circuit court websites, some are listing information in local bar association newsletters, one issued a public press release, and others are providing information as part of CLE courses. Whatever the method, word is getting out that local professionalism panels, part of the statewide program to promote professionalism among Bar members, are up and running and that there are lawyers who belong to the local panels who are ready to field complaints and inquiries. The Supreme Court last year, acting on the recommendation of its Commission on Professionalism, ordered each circuit to set up a panel under an administrative order from the local chief judge, and to set up procedures to handle professionalism complaints from judges, other lawyers, and the public about lawyer conduct.
Recommended Citation
Gary Blankenship, Contact Info for Local Professionalism Committees is Now Available, The Fla. B. News, September 1, 2014
This work is provided open access and in full text through a partnership between Florida International University College of Law, FIU Law Library and The Florida Bar Henry Latimer Center for Professionalism.