Comparative Study on the Class Action System and Practices of U.S. and Korea in Regards to Securities Law
Research focuses on American court systems, especially the procedural distinctions and its implication to Korean court proceedings of class action. The Securities Class Action Act of Korea is influenced by the U.S. class action system. However, the transplant of the class action system of common law country into Korean legal soil caused quite a difference in legislation, the legal practices and studies of U.S. class action is still expected to shed light to the class action development, practices and proceedings of Korean Court.
Visiting Scholar
Judge Bong Jo Seo earned his Attorney-at-Law License from The Judicial Research and Training Institute of The Supreme Court of Korea, in 2003 and his Bachelor’s Degree in Law from the Seoul National University College Of Law, Seoul (Korea), in 2001.
Visiting Scholar Term of Stay
From August 26, 2015 to February 20, 2016
Class Action System, U.S., Korea, Securities Law
Comparative and Foreign Law | Law
Recommended Citation
Jo Seo, Bong, "Comparative Study on the Class Action System and Practices of U.S. and Korea in Regards to Securities Law" (2015). Visiting Researcher Profiles. 12.