Visiting Researchers are individuals with a specific research project; they are invited to benefit from the FIU Law’s Library and faculty resources. Visiting Researchers are typically doctoral students from other disciplines or other countries, U.S. or foreign law professors in the early part of their careers, and practitioners working on international or comparative law-related research projects. Participants of the Visiting Researcher Program may visit for one month up to one year with the possibility of renewal for up to one additional year depending on visa restrictions.
Transparency Privacy Paradox in Open Data Exchange and Algorithms
Lorayne Finol Romero
Universidad Central de Chile, ChileLorayne Finol Romero is Associate Professor of Law at Universidad Central de Chile. She has received her appointment as an FIU College of Law Courtesy Research Professor until March 24, 2023 to conduct research on “Transparency Privacy Paradox in Open Data Exchange and Algorithms”. To work on her research, she is a Santander International Mobility Scholarship grantee.
Global Health, Limitation of Rights and the Digital World
Ana Cristina Gallego Hernández
Seville, SpainAna Cristina Gallego Hernández will be working on her research "Global health, limitation of rights and the digital world”.
Conflict of Laws and Cryptocurrencies
Gökçe Kelahmet
Başkent University, Ankara,TurkeyGokce Kelahmet will be working on her PhD research “Conflict of Laws and Cryptocurrencies”.
Experimental Philosophy and New Technologies: The Social, Ethical, and Normative Consequences of Robotics and Human Enhancement Technologies
Rafael Aguilera Gordillo
Loyola University, Andalusia, SpainProfessor's Aguilera research project is “Experimental Philosophy and New Technologies: The Social, Ethical, and Normative Consequences of Robotics and Human Enhancement Technologies.”
The Role of Independent Bodies to Help Corporations Successfully Structure Integrity Cultures
Adriana Dantas
Insper Institute for Education and Research, São Paulo, BrazilAdriana Dantas is a Professor at Insper Institute for Education and Research, São Paulo- SP, and lectures in courses offered in the area of Compliance, Crisis Management, Investigations and Cooperation. Also, she is professor at Direito GV, São Paulo- SP, where she lectures on courses offered in the area of Compliance and Global Law. We will be hosting Adriana during the month of July 2022 so she can conduct research for her project “The role of independent bodies to help corporations successfully structure integrity cultures”.
Climate Justice from an International Justice System
Andrea Spada Jiménez
Universidad de Malaga, SpainAndrea Spada Jiménez has been appointed as a Courtesy Research Associate to conduct research on "Climate Justice from an International Justice System".
Applying Artificial Intelligence on Criminal Justice
Mohamed G. Zakaria
Public Prosecutor working for the Egyptian Public Prosecution Office in Cairo, EgyptMohamed Zakaria is Public Prosecutor working for the Egyptian Public Prosecution Office in Cairo, Egypt. He has been granted the Graduate Scholarship for Professionals offered by USAID, to conduct legal research at FIU College of Law on “Applying Artificial Intelligence on Criminal Justice”.
Corporate Criminal Liability
Jose Roberto Pazmiño Ruiz
PhD student at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, SpainJosé Roberto Pazmiño Ruiz is a partner of the Pazmiño & Pazmiño Law Firm as a consultant in criminal matters and is a consultant of Compliance & Criminal Defense, in Guayaquil–Quito, Ecuador. His thesis focuses on the evolution of corporations’ reactions as an assessment mechanism for corporate criminal liability in the European continental framework, with a focus in Spain. As a matter of comparative law, the thesis will predominantly take into consideration the American and German doctrines.
Human Centered Artificial Intelligence - Leveraging AI to Empower People and Democracy: a Multidisciplinary Perspective
Paola Cantarini Guerra
PUC - Pontifícia University of São Paulo, BrazilResearch focuses on the study of Artificial Intelligence from a Multidisciplinary Perspective.
Administrative sanctions and fundamental rights. Analysis of specific topics based on the principles, guarantees and rights regulated in the Constitution
Rosa Fernanda Gómez Gonzalez
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Escuela de Derecho, ChileRosa Fernanda Gómez Gonzalez is Professor of Administrative Law at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Escuela de Derecho, Chile. Professor Gómez Gonzalez has been running the FONDECYT Postdoctoral research project No. 3190494 entitled “Administrative sanctions and fundamental rights. Analysis of specific topics based on the principles, guarantees and rights regulated in the Constitution”, sponsored by the Agencia Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo (ANID), research that also has the institutional sponsorship of the aforementioned University.
Human Rights Violations in Dystopian Narratives: Literary and Legal Perspectives
Katarzyna Ginszt
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin, PolandKatarzyna Ginszt is a Courtesy Research Associate at FIU College of Law, to conduct research on "Human Rights Violations in Dystopian Narratives: Literary and Legal Perspectives". During the Fulbright Visiting Research Program her goal is to prepare an article for publication on human rights violation in dystopian fiction for American academic journals.
The SEC and Regional Inequality
Peter Robau
Wagner Fellow at the NYU Pollack Center for Law & Business New York, NYPeter Robau is the Wagner Fellowship recipient 2019-2020 for original research at intersection of regulatory policy and capital markets. During his visit to FIU College of Law, he will be performing research for his article on The SEC and Regional Inequality.
Investment Arbitration and the Issue of Regulatory Chill
Zoltan Vig
University of Szeged, Belgrade, HungaryZoltán Víg is researching on Investment arbitration and the issue of regulatory chill.
Is the ICSID in Crisis? Reflections of the Argentina Experience
Agustina N . Vazquez
Legal Counsel for the National Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaProfessor Vazquez will be performing legal research for the first draft of 'Is the ICSI Din Crisis? Reflections of the Argentina Experience' as part of the Argentinian National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights.
Consumer Protection and Urban Segregation
Paola Aceto
5th year student at Perugia University School of Law, ItalyResearch in the study of consumer protection in the enclosures created by city's division in different areas (zoning).
Comparative Study of Religious Liberty under Peruvian Law and the United States First Amendment Rights
Maria Mercedes van der Ree
Auditor at the Interdiocesan Ecclesiastical Tribunal in the Archdiocese of Lima, PeruResearch in the legal area of Religious Liberty. Her thesis is about the persons and entities entitled to the right of religious liberty under Peruvian Law ("Sujetos de Derecho de Libertad Religiosa en el Ordenamiento Jurídico Peruano"). Other areas of investigation are Constitutional Law, Human Rights Law, and Ecclesiastical Law of the State. Part of her research consists in the investigation of other legal systems with respect to the right of religious liberty, as a comparative study to the Peruvian legal framework.
Fintech and Disintermediation
Francesco Della Rocca
Universita degli Studi di Roma Tre, Rome, ItalyThe purpose of Mr. Della Rocca legal research is focused on Fintech and Disintermediation, which are the topics of the final thesis of his Phd.
Income and Taxation of International Soccer Players
Luis Fernando Toribio Bernárdez
University of Sevilla Law School, SpainResearch focuses on the study of the tax treatment of professional football players’ income, with particular attention to the most significant aspects on international taxation matters.
Relation Between The Law of Tracing and The Laundering Money Process
Danilo Knijnik
Dean of the Law Faculty of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS, BrazilHis research will focus on the Relation Between The Law of Tracing and The Laundering Money Process. This means that key concepts to be examined are the laundering money process (mostly involving multiple bank transactions) and the law of tracing (as originally construed in the area of thrust law) and the relation among both.
Land Grabbing in Latin America
Miranda De Meo
Law Student from University of Roma Tre, Rome, ItalyResearch particularly interested in the phenomenon of “Land Grabbing” in South America and the cultural, environmental, political way it is affecting the indigenous.
Essential Trial Advocacy Skills: What We Can Learn from the U.S. Adversarial System
Sebastian Soltau Salazar
Associate at Miranda & Amado, PeruResearch focuses on the study of the U.S. adversarial system as a model of reference, with the objective of writing a book in Spanish that Peruvian law school professors can use to teach trial advocacy skills to their students, regardless of the applicable Peruvian law (civil or criminal).
Property Rights of Land in Latin America
José Iván Jarquín Ortiz
Master student in Economics and Municipal Management at the Instituto Politécnico Nacional, MexicoResearch focuses on the knowledge of regulations and laws of other Latin American countries (as in the case of Chile, Bolivia and Colombia) and the United States of America, about legal and regulatory aspects regarding property rights.
Recent Reforms Made to the French Civil Code on the Matters of Obligations and Contracts
Jose Eloy Anzola
Independent International Arbitrator based in Miami, FloridaResearch focuses on writing a report, both in English and Spanish, on the recent reforms made to the French Civil Code on the matters of obligations and contracts.
Termination Of Franchise Agreements – Is A Statutory Regulation Necessary?
Kristina Stefanova
PhD student in the University of National and World Economy in Sofia, BulgariaThe aim of this research is to identify the typical issues in franchise agreements and examine them from the perspective of the Civil law system; also, to observe the impact of the regulation, in case of the termination of the franchise agreement, on developed and operating franchise systems.
Pre-Trial Stage of Discovery
Kim Jung Woo
Judge at the Pusan District Court of Seoul, South KoreaResearch focuses on the study of the U.S. legal system, with particular attention on Discovery, the pre –trial stage in a lawsuit.