Elaine Bloom was the recipient of various accolades throughout her life. As a Representative, Elaine Bloom pioneered laws protecting the rights of the elderly, disabled, to healthcare and transportation as well as sponsored over 100 pieces of legislation. Elaine Bloom was recognized and revered for her generosity, innovativeness, and selflessness. During her tenure as a Representative, she received over 100 awards and continues to garner appreciation as she currently dedicates her time to charitable organizations.
Legislative Appreciation Award
The Legislative Appreciation Award was presented to Representative Elaine Bloom by the Florida Association of Rehabilitation Facilities on September 26th, 1989, in recognition of her continued dedication and leadership to ensuring the highest quality of life for Florida's citizens with disabilities.
Outstanding Citizen of the Year Award
On September 23rd, 1989, Representative Elaine Bloom received the Outstanding Citizen of the Year Award from the Board of Commissioners in Dade County, Florida, signed by Commissioner, Harvey Ruvin, for making a real difference in helping improve the local quality of life.
Award for Outstanding Service to the Students of Dade County Public Schools
On September 20th, 1998, the Dade County School Board, presented Representative Elaine Bloom for her outstanding service to the student of Dade County Public Schools. The award was presented by the School Board Chairman and the Superintendent, stating that Representative Bloom's service was an inspiration to everyone in Dade County who is dedicated to quality public education.
UUCF 1989 Legislative Service Award
The UUCF 1989 Legislative Service Award was presented to Representative Elaine Bloom in appreciation for her support of the underground utility industry, on August 11th, 1989.
Proclamation of Appreciation
On June 20th, 1989, Representative Elaine Bloom received a Proclamation of Appreciation from the Board of Commissioners in Dade County, Florida, by Commissioner, signed Larry Hawkins, for representing the concerns, hopes, and aspirations of members spanning from Dade to Leon County.
Award for Commitment to and Support in the Community and in the Florida Legislature of Quality Education
On April 1st, 1989, the Coalition for Quality Education in Dade County presented Representative Elaine Bloom with an award for her commitment to and support in the community and the Florida Legislature of Quality Education including dance, drama, language, music, physical education, visual arts and other electives for all children and youth in Dade County and throughout the State of Florida. The award was presented by Treasurer, Phillips E. Nicholas, and Chairman, Howard A. Doolin, for her advice and counsel regarding strategies for gaining support in the Florida Legislature.
Celebration of Women Award
Na'amat, an Israeli Women's Organization, honored Representative Elaine Bloom with the Celebration of Women Award, who in the achievement of personal and professional goals, enhanced the status and improved the conditions of women in her community.
Award for Distinguished Service on Behalf of Miami Beach's Law Enforcement Community
On January 28th, 1989, William Nichols Lodge of the Miami Beach Fraternal Order of Police and the Miami Beach Fraternal Oder of Police Associates, gratefully acknowledged Elaine Bloom for her distinguished service on behalf of the law enforcement community.