Elaine Bloom was the recipient of various accolades throughout her life. As a Representative, Elaine Bloom pioneered laws protecting the rights of the elderly, disabled, to healthcare and transportation as well as sponsored over 100 pieces of legislation. Elaine Bloom was recognized and revered for her generosity, innovativeness, and selflessness. During her tenure as a Representative, she received over 100 awards and continues to garner appreciation as she currently dedicates her time to charitable organizations.
Arthur H. Harris Government Services Award, presented to Elaine Bloom
Florida Health Care Association presented the Arthur H. Harris Government Services Award to Elaine Bloom, for her Hard Work and Dedication to FHCA and its Members and Residents during the 2018 Legislative Session.
Award for Outstanding Service to the Community
On November 28th, 2001, the Shul of Downtown chapter of Chabad-Lubavitch presented the Honorable Elaine Bloom with an award for her outstanding service to the community over many decades, at their 9th annual dinner.
On October 16th, 2001, the Miami Children's Museum presented Elaine Bloom an award at their groundbreaking ceremony, for being their "godmother."
2000 Lifetime Achievement Award
On October 18th, 2000, the Association for Retarded Citizens of South Florida, presented Representative Elaine Bloom with the 2000 Lifetime Achievement Award. The award was presented in appreciation and recognition of a lifetime of tireless service to the needs of the children, the elderly, the frail, the mentally ill and the developmentally disabled of the State of Florida.
Award for Outstanding Commitment to Public Education
On August 23rd, 2000, the Dade County School Board honored Representative Elaine Bloom with an award for her outstanding commitment to public education. The award was presented by Chair of the School Board of Miami-Dade County, Perla Tabares Hantman, and Superintendent of Schools, Roger C. Cuevas.
United way of Miami-Dade Public Policy Leadership Award, Presented to Elaine Bloom
On June 28th, 2000, the United Way of Miami-Dade, presented to Elaine Bloom the United Way of Miami-Dade Public Policy Leadership Award, In Recognition of her Oustanding Leadership on Behalf of Miami-Dade's Children and Families.
On June 22nd, 2000, the Florida Commission on Tourism passed a resolution, presented to Representative Elaine Bloom as a token of the esteem of the tourism industry. Additionally, to honor her substantial and valued commitment to and support of Florida tourism, and to publicly recognize her for her tireless, knowledgeable, and faithful service to tourism as a member of the Florida Legislature.