Elaine Bloom was the recipient of various accolades throughout her life. As a Representative, Elaine Bloom pioneered laws protecting the rights of the elderly, disabled, to healthcare and transportation as well as sponsored over 100 pieces of legislation. Elaine Bloom was recognized and revered for her generosity, innovativeness, and selflessness. During her tenure as a Representative, she received over 100 awards and continues to garner appreciation as she currently dedicates her time to charitable organizations.
Certificate for Leadership in Women's Concerns
On October 4th, 1973, Florida International University's President, Charles E. Perry presented Elaine Bloom, a certificate, in grateful appreciation, for her leadership in women's concerns.
Award of Honor
The National Council of Jewish Women presented Elaine Bloom with the Award of Honor, in recognition of her devotion, commitment, and unselfish service to the National Council of Jewish Women in the Greater Miami Section. The award was presented by Division President, Nanci Goldstein, and signed by Section President, Elaine Bloom on April 9th, 1973.
Award for Dedicated Service as President
The Greater Miami Section National Council of Jewish Women, in appreciation, presented Elaine Bloom with an award for her dedicated service as president.
First Annual Local Award
In 1971, the Dade County Chapter of the National Organization for Women presented Elaine Bloom with the First Annual Local Award.
Newspaper Article
On September 27th, 1971, the Miami Herald wrote an article on Elaine Bloom detailing and elaborating on her "cool, competent, and committed" nature.
Award of Membership
In 1970, the President of Brandeis University, Evelyn E. Handler, duly nominated and designated Elaine Bloom as a member of the President's Council of Brandeis University. By virtue of service to the cause of higher education in America and in recognition of the role played in the development of Brandeis University, Elaine Bloom was presented with the award in 1970.