
Alternate Title

Antidiscrimination Efforts and the Repressive Weight of Culture


Sexism, antidiscrimination, work culture, women's rights, Panes of the Glass Ceiling


ChatGPT In "Very Important People: Status and Beauty in the Global Party Circuit," sociologist Ashley Mears unveils the opulent world of the ultra-rich party scene, where young women, primarily models, serve as ornamental capital to enhance social status. Drawing parallels, Kerri Lynn Stone's "Panes of the Glass Ceiling" exposes enduring systemic barriers to gender equality, particularly in male-dominated professions, despite anti-discrimination laws. Stone emphasizes cultural norms and expectations perpetuating male privilege, challenging the efficacy of existing legal frameworks. Proposing a shift from anti-classification to an anti-subordination principle, Stone advocates for direct interventions, citing legislative efforts targeting pay inequality and mandating female representation on corporate boards. In a climate of legal retrenchment, Stone's work urges a reexamination of cultural norms for a more just society.



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