Visiting Researchers are individuals with a specific research project; they are invited to benefit from the FIU Law’s Library and faculty resources. Visiting Researchers are typically doctoral students from other disciplines or other countries, U.S. or foreign law professors in the early part of their careers, and practitioners working on international or comparative law-related research projects. Participants of the Visiting Researcher Program may visit for one month up to one year with the possibility of renewal for up to one additional year depending on visa restrictions.
Comparative Law: Surrogacy Contracts in USA in Comparison to Brazil
Ida Beatriz de Luca
Law School of Unisinos, Sao Leopoldo, RS, BrazilThe objective of her research is to compare the laws in the USA, mainly in Florida and California, about surrogacy contracts in order to create a legal framework in Brazil to clearly define limits for who can be a surrogate mother and which terms could be possible to regulate surrogacy contracts.
NAFTA Chapter 11
Davide Romeo
Senior Law Student at the University of Trieste College of Law, ItalyResearch focuses on the study of the rules on investments contained in sections A and B of Chapter 11, and how is confer access to international dispute settlement on private parties.
Copyright Protection of Literary Works in Continental and Anglo-American System
Lydie Tallova
Adjunct Professor at Metropolitan University in Prague, Czech RepublicThis research study focuses on the comparison of two distinct and diametrically contrastive copyright concepts – the Continental European and Anglo-American copyright law.
Due Diligence on Corporate Acquisition
Luis H. Vizioli
Vizioli & Triolo Abogado, Law Firm, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaResearch focuses on corporate law issues with special emphasis on the clue diligence process, mainly oriented on the process through which a potential purchaser evaluates a target company or its assets for an acquisition.
Opt In v. Opt Out v. Mixed Systems: a Defense of Opt Out as a Model for Collective Actions
Larissa Pochmann Da Silva
Doctoral Researcher at Estácio de Sá University, College of Law in Rio de Janeiro, BrazilResearch focuses on the study of opt in, opt out and other mixed systems as models to collective redress around the world, especially in America and in Europe, analyzing how do they work in class actions and in mechanism for solving collective suits.
Enforcement in Third-States of Awards Rendered in Investment Treaty Arbitration
Enrique Linares Rodriguez
Predoctoral Researcher at Universidad Complutense de Madrid, SpainResearch focuses on the study of the comparative perspective UE-USA on: the enforcement of arbitral awards in investment matters, the treatment of immunity from execution by the States that have dealt with the enforcement of arbitral awards, and the treatment of the principle of autonomy of State legal entities in case of coercive measures against property of the Debtor State.
Comparative Research About Real Estate Systems Between China and the United States of America
Yajun Gao
Associate Professor at the School of Politics and Administration at Chag’an University in Shaanxi, ChinaResearch focuses on the study of the similarities and differences of land systems between China and the USA to look for a way of China's land system innovation, and the effective measures, which China government should take to deal with China's house prices, so that most people can afford buying houses without shock in the real estate market.
Comparative Study on the Class Action System and Practices of U.S. and Korea in Regards to Securities Law
Bong Jo Seo
Presiding Judge of the Civil Affairs Division and the Criminal Affairs Division of Seoul Eastern District Court, KoreaResearch focuses on American court systems, especially the procedural distinctions and its implication to Korean court proceedings of class action. The Securities Class Action Act of Korea is influenced by the U.S. class action system. However, the transplant of the class action system of common law country into Korean legal soil caused quite a difference in legislation, the legal practices and studies of U.S. class action is still expected to shed light to the class action development, practices and proceedings of Korean Court.
Let the Witness Speak. Orality and Immediacy in International Arbitration
Marco de Benito Llopis-Llombart
Professor of Law at IE University in Madrid, SpainThe aim of his research is to explore whether contemporary international arbitration may benefit from the experience and knowledge accumulated over centuries to avoid the drawbacks of rigid written procedural formalities and restore oral witness testimony to its quintessential role and purpose.
Climate Change Issues And Water Preservation: From EU Law To International And US Law
Francesco Bruno
Partner of Pavia e Ansaldo in the firm’s Rome and Milan Offices, ItalyThe research will start from the analysis of the EU regulatory framework to deepen the International and US Law and through a multidisciplinary survey it will aim at establishing whether there are already means potentially suitable to ensure the compatibility between the production and climate change issue and water rights, or whether, in a de jure condendo perspective, it would be also necessary to introduce corrections or new means.
Compliance In The Determination Of Criminal Liability By The Physician Sira Grosso
Sira Grosso
PhD candidate in Criminal Law at the Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna in Pisa, ItalyResearch focuses on the study of the medical liability, with special emphasis on the team-based medical practice.
Criminal Protection of Privacy in the New Digital Era
Maria del Mar Carrasco Andrino
Professor in Criminal Law, University of Alicante, SpainResearch focuses on the criminal protection of privacy in the new digital era and its implications in other protected legal assets.
On the Application of Punitive Damages in Product Liability
Jin Fuhai
School of Law, Yantai University, ChinaResearch focuses the theoretical discuss and practical problems about punitive damages and give recommendations about better application of punitive damages in China through positive analysis and comparative analysis.
Impacts of the Institutionalization of Mediation on the Victorian Mediator in the Civil Justice System
Nussen Ainsworth
Lecturer of law for the College of Law & Justice, Victoria University, AustraliaResearch focuses on analysis the shaping of mediators practice with the Victorian civil justice system.
Florida Law: Legal Solution To Which Journalists Are Subjected When They Affect The Honor, Privacy, Personal Data And Images Of Minors
Gisela Maria Perez Fuentes
Research Professor of Base Holder C in the Academic Division of Social Sciences and Humanities of the Universidad Juarez Autonoma de Tabasco (UJAT), MexicoResearch focuses on a doctrinal study and follow-up in media of Diffusion of Florida and compare the legal solution to which the journalists when they affect the honor, privacy, personal data and image of the minors.
Comparative: Sentencing in Austria in Comparison to the US
Magdalena Senn
Secretary in a lawyer office in Innsbruck, AustriaResearch focuses on sentencing in Austria in comparison to the US will be the main part of the dissertation, with emphasis in the death penalty and comparison of the infractions, misdemeanors and felonies in US with those of the Austrian law.
Comparative Study on the State Of Law, Parliamentary Diplomacy and Control of Foreign and Security Policy in USA and Romania
Mrejeru Bogdan Constantin
Researcher, Parliamentary Counsellor, Department of Parliamentary Studies and EU Law, RomaniaResearch focuses on parliamentary control as one of the great powers of the legislature. The study of the Oversight function as an excellent policy that originates in the power of the sovereign people, who commit their through representative, office, or right to supervise the activities of executive authorities and their representatives.
Extrajudicial Resolution of Disputes, Mortgage Intermediation as a Current Formula in Spanish Law
Maria Elena Cobas Cobiella
University of Valencia Faculty of Law, SpainResearch on Cuban law using FIU Law Library’s Mario Diaz Cruz Library. The main objective of her work is to prepare a research guide of Cuban law that will assist other scholars in researching the Cuban legal system and its laws from a historical perspective.