
Volume 18, Number 3 (2024) Symposium: Professor Jerry W. Markham’s From the Great Recession to the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Financial History of the United States 2010–2020

Front Matter





Briana Antoinette Harris
Executive Managing Editor
Megan Elisabeth Fernandez
Executive Articles Editors
Albert J. Leonard
Nikolos Christos Reinson
Executive Submissions and Comments Editor
Katie Brennan Miesner
Executive Marketing Editor
Alejandro Torvis
Executive Alumni Relations Editors
Gabriella M. Carballo
Dominique M. Pierre
Executive Training and Morale Editor
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Articles Editors
Sofia Diana Fernandez
Bryan A. Maroto
Abigail S. Nusbaum
Kaitlyn M. O'Connell
Evan Alexander Sanchez
Megan Marie Thermes