Elaine Bloom was the recipient of various accolades throughout her life. As a Representative, Elaine Bloom pioneered laws protecting the rights of the elderly, disabled, to healthcare and transportation as well as sponsored over 100 pieces of legislation. Elaine Bloom was recognized and revered for her generosity, innovativeness, and selflessness. During her tenure as a Representative, she received over 100 awards and continues to garner appreciation as she currently dedicates her time to charitable organizations.
Recognition of Friendship and Support
On March 3rd, 1995, Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives, Peter R. Wallace, recognized Representative Elaine Bloom, with appreciation, for her friendship and support. Below is a quote from Harper Lee's, To Kill A Mockingbird, stating, "Real courage is when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what."
Acknowledgement of Friendship and Support
In 1995, President Bill Clinton thanked the honorable Elaine Bloom for her dedication to his presidency and the Democratic Party. President Clinton was proud that he was able to count on her friendship and support.
Award for Continued Support
The Foster Care Review, serving children and families in Miami-Dade County, Florida, presented Representative Elaine Bloom with an award of appreciation for her continued support.
Award for Outstanding Public Service and Dedication to the Florida Tourism Industry
The International Travel Services Association presented the Honorable Elaine Bloom with an award for her outstanding public service and dedication to the Florida Tourism Industry.
Certificate of Appreciation
In 1995, Arthur I. Snyder, Mayor of the City of Aventura presented Representative Elaine Bloom with a Certificate of Appreciation for her public service to the community.
Outstanding Legislator Award
In 1995, the Florida Nurses Association acknowledged Representative Elaine Bloom with the Outstanding Legislator award in recognition of her extraordinary commitment to improving the health and quality of life for Floridians.
Shining Star Award
In 1995, the parents of children with autism, presented Representative Elaine Bloom with an award for being their "shining star."