The Laws of Jamaica, 1868
The Titles of those passed between the 14th January and the 22d December, 1868, in the Thirty-First and Thirty-Second Years of the Reign of Queen Victoria.
The Laws of Jamaica, 1864-65
Passed in the twenty-eighth year of the reign of Queen Victoria.
Published under the direction of the Commissioners appointed by 59 Geo. III. Cap. XXIV.
The Laws of Jamaica, 1863-64 (Sess. I)
Passed in the twenty-seventh year of the reign of Queen Victoria.
Published under the direction of the Commissioners appointed by 59 Geo. III. Cap. XXIV.
The Laws of Jamaica, 1864 (Sess. II)
Passed in the twenty-seventh year of the reign of Queen Victoria.
Published under the direction of the Commissioners appointed by 59 Geo. III. Cap. XXIV.
The Laws of Jamaica, 1863 (Sess. II)
Passed in the twenty-sixth year of the reign of Queen Victoria.
Published under the direction of the Commissioners appointed by 59 Geo. III. Cap. XXIV.
The Laws of Jamaica, 1861-62
Passed in the twenty-fifth year of the reign of Queen Victoria.
Published under the Direction of the Commissioners appointed by 59 Geo. III. Cap. XXIV.
The Laws of Jamaica, 1862 (Sess. 1)
Passed in the twenty-sixth year of the reign of Queen Victoria.
Published under the direction of the Commissioners appointed by 59 Geo. III. Cap. XXIV.
The Laws of Jamaica, 1861
Passed in the twenty-fourth year of the reign of Queen Victoria.
Published under the direction of the Commissioners appointed by 59 Geo. III. Cap. XXIV
The Laws of Jamaica, 1859
Passed in the twenty-third year of the reign of Queen Victoria.
Published under the direction of the Commissioners appointed by 59 Geo. III, Cap. XXIV.
The Laws of Jamaica, 1860
Passed in the twenty-third year of the reign of Queen Victoria. [Session II-III.]
Published under the direction of the Commissioners appointed by 59 Geo. III. Cap. XXIV.
The Laws of Jamaica, 1858-59
Passed in the twenty-second year of the reign of Queen Victoria.
Published under the direction of the Commissioners appointed by 59 Geo. III., Cap. XXIV.
The Laws of Jamaica, 1856
Passed in the twentieth year of the reign of Queen Victoria.
Published under the direction of the Commissioners appointed by 59 Geo. III., Cap XXIV.
The Laws of Jamaica, 1854-55
Passed in the eighteenth year of the reign of Queen Victoria.
Published under the direction of the Commissioners appointed by 59 Geo, III., Cap. XXIV.
The Laws of Jamaica, 1852-53
Passed in the sixteenth year of the reign of Queen Victoria.
Published under the direction of the Commissioners appointed by 59 Geo. III. Cap. XXIV.
The Laws of Jamaica, 1851-52
Passed in the fifteenth year of the reign of Queen Victoria.
Published under the direction of the Commissioners appointed by 59 Geo. III. Cap. XXIV.
The Laws of Jamaica, 1850-51
Passed in the fourteenth year of the reign of Queen Victoria.
Published under the Direction of the Commissioners appointed by 59 Geo. III. Cap. XXIV.
The Laws of Jamaica, 1849-50
Passed in the thirteenth year of the reign on Queen Victoria.
Published under the Direction of the Commissioners appointed by 59 Geo. III. Cap. XXIV.
The Laws of Jamaica, 1848-49
Passed in the twelfth year of the reign of Queen Victoria.
Published under the Direction of the Commissioners appointed by 59 Geo. III. Cap. XXIV.