Elaine Bloom was the recipient of various accolades throughout her life. As a Representative, Elaine Bloom pioneered laws protecting the rights of the elderly, disabled, to healthcare and transportation as well as sponsored over 100 pieces of legislation. Elaine Bloom was recognized and revered for her generosity, innovativeness, and selflessness. During her tenure as a Representative, she received over 100 awards and continues to garner appreciation as she currently dedicates her time to charitable organizations.
Founders Award
On April 6th, 2000, John F. Cosgrove of Miami-Dade County Days presented Representative Elaine Bloom with the Founders Award. The award was presented to recognize her many years of service to Miami-Dade County.
Newspaper Article
On April 4th, 2000, the New York Times wrote an article, featuring Representative Elaine Bloom, a New York native, and her efforts to enforce term limits in Congress.
Newspaper Article
On March 1st, 2000, the Miami Herald wrote an article about President Bill Clinton endorsing Representative Elaine Bloom in her run for Congress.
2000 Founder's Award
The Women's Emergency Network presented Elaine Bloom with the 2000 Founder's Award, in honor of her championing the well-being of women and children since she was first elected to the Florida legislature in 1974.
2000 Legislative Leadership Award
In 2000, the American Cancer Society presented Representative Elaine Bloom with the 2000 Legislative Leadership Award, in appreciation for her leadership with the Florida Clean Air Act.
The Dottie McKinnon Award
The Democratic Women's Club of Palm Beach County presented Elaine Bloom with the Dottie McKinnon Award for her many years of steadfast devotion and leadership to all things democratic. The award was presented by President of the Democratic Women's Club of Palm Beach County, Irene Feeney, who also declared Elaine Bloom their woman of the year in 2000.
Award for Dedication to Children and Families and Participation in the Second Annual NHSA Directors Summit on Advocacy
On December 11th, 1999, the National Head Start Association and its Government Affairs Division, recognized Representative Elaine Bloom for her dedication to children and families as well as her participation in the 2nd annual NHSA directors summit on advocacy. The award was presented by Sarah Greene, CEO of NHSA, and Ron Herndon, President of the NHSA.
Lawrence E. "Ed" Hoffman Legislative Champion Award, presented to Representative Elaine Bloom
In December 1999, the Florida Police Benevolent Association, Inc., in Graceful Appreciation, presented the Lawrence E. "Ed" Hoffman Legislative Champion Award, to Representative Elaine Bloom for Being an Untiring "Champion" of the Florida PBA, Its Members, and the Entire Law Enforcement Community During Her Outstanding Service as a Florida Legislator. A Legislator who went far Beyond the Call of Duty in Supporting PBA Issues and was an Inspiration to all.